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Natural ventilation in building


Validate Natural Ventilation in Commercial Buildings with CFD

About this Webinar

There are multiple factors to take into account when deciding how a commercial building should be ventilated, such as the building’s position, wind exposure, entrance locations, and more. The goal is to ensure that a sufficient amount of fresh air will move through the building to ensure comfort for occupants. In many cases, using natural ventilation is a tempting option, but it is difficult to solely rely on this solution without proof of performance. This is where CFD simulations can help, enabling you to validate the use of natural convection in a building and reduce the costs of artificial air exchange systems. Register for this webinar to learn how CFD simulations can help in making informed decisions about using natural ventilation as a part of a building’s air exchange system. By participating, you will learn:

  • How architects can ensure air comfort within the building
  • How engineers can calculate air exchange ratios from the use of natural ventilation
  • How SimScale enables everyone with a normal PC or laptop and Internet connection to run sophisticated airflow simulations

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Validate Natural Ventilation in Commercial Buildings with CFD

5:30 p.m CET / 11:30 p.m. ET

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natural ventilation

Using CFD to Validate Natural Ventilation

February 8th, 2018 5:30 p.m. CET / 11:30 a.m. ET

In this webinar, you will learn how CFD simulations can help in validating natural ventilation in building design.

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