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zkaczUnited States
Public Profile
zkacz's profile
- Airflow thru AFB
- Airflow thru AFB without Sampler
- IAQ CFD 4in to 3 in
- 3in IAQ CFD, Screen, Full Mesh Cone, JF updated
- 3 in parasolid
- 3in take 2
- 3in IAQ CFD, Screen, Full Mesh Cone,
- screen+cone combo
- JF-Screen+Cone, screen, inlet
- Modified cone & 2 screens at inlet of turn
- Screen+cone, screen, at inlet of turn
- Airflow in a 180 degree Pipe- W/Modified Cone + 17mm & 80 mm screens
- Airflow in a 180 degree Pipe- W/Modified Cone + 17mm & 80 mm screens
- Airflow in a 180 degree Pipe- 2 screens
- Airflow in a 180 degree Pipe- W/Cone + 20mm & 80 mm screens
- Airflow in a 180 degree Pipe- W/Cone
- Tutorial 2: Pipe junction flow
- Airflow in a 180 degree Pipe- CFD
- Airflow in a 90 degree Pipe- CFD
- Page 1