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zenkai's profile
Aerobody Remodelled top profile change v3
baseline model
aerobody remodelled good profile top profile trail2
rear curve 130mm height
rear curve 160mm height
aerobody remodelled good profile
rear curve 140mm height
rear curve 150mm height
rear curve 120mm height
rear curve 170mm height
Aero Remodelled NACA
Aerobody Remodelled Merged Changes 2
base model trial 2
Aerobody Remodelled Merged Changes
bottom profile (120, 3200)
bottom profile (120, 3300)
bottom profile (120, 3400)
bottom profile (120, 3500)
combine of 120mm and topv2
combine of 150mm and topv2 trial 2
combine of 150mm and topv2
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