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swagat's profile
Tutorial: U type Heat Exchanger
Laminar Flow through Straight Pipe - Poiseuille's Law
Tutorial: Pipe junction flow
Airflow around Frontwing
Bending of an Aluminium Pipe
Design Analysis of Spherical Pressure vessel
Ball Valve Simulation
Tutorial: U type Heat Exchanger
Turbine Fan Eigenfrequency
Tutorial - Automated Hex-dominant for internal flow
Bending of an Aluminium Pipe
Non Linear Stress Analysis of Wheel
Tutorial: Nonlinear Analysis of a Wheel
Fluid Flow Simulation
Harmonic Analysis of Airfoil(2/2)
Frequency Analysis of an AirFoil(1/2)
Incompressible CFD simulation over a vehicle
Incompressible CFD simulation over a vehicle
Butterfly Valve Flow CFD Simulation
Tutorial - Centrifugal pump
Linear Static Analysis of a Crane
Tutorial - Centrifugal pump
Exhaust Manifold CFD Analysis
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