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mohamedzaid786's profile
Circular Domain
Tutorial 2: Pipe junction flow
Testing -
WIndy - Copy
Flat plate
Conjugate Heat Transfer
Wind Engineering
sphere v1
Soccer Ball Aerodynamics
Fan Flow
L shape - Internal flow
Injection Dye_NK - 2
Injection Dye_NK
Heat transfer
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Ahamed Body)
Flow over table lamp
Internal Flow
tesla cyber truck
Tyre + Mud guard
CFD Simulation of Underground car parking garage
Airflow around a commercial aircraft
Tyre Aerodynamics
Simulation of the airflow around a wind turbine
Aerofoil 6 digit
Car parking
Wind Turbine demo
Tunnel Ventilation
Car Park ventilation
Train aerodynamics
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Pollution Dispersion
APC 10x7 ePropeller
Airflow Inside an Office
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