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Air Resistance on a Solar Boat During Foiling

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Air Resistance on a Solar Boat During Foiling image
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geometries 2 Geometriesmeshes 1 Meshsimulations 1 Simulation setupruns 1 Result

About this project

The simulation focuses on modeling and analyzing the effects of air resistance on a solar-powered foiling boat as it glides above the water's surface. Foiling boats, renowned for their efficiency and speed, are especially vulnerable to air resistance due to their elevated positions and high velocities. Understanding and mitigating air resistance is crucial for optimizing the performance and energy efficiency of these solar boats. Objective: The primary objective of this simulation is to evaluate the impact of air resistance on a solar-powered foiling boat during its operation. By conducting a comprehensive simulation, we aim to: Quantify Air Resistance: Calculate the magnitude and direction of air resistance forces acting on the boat's foils and other exposed surfaces. Analyze Energy Consumption: Determine how air resistance influences the boat's energy consumption and overall efficiency, with a focus on solar energy utilization. Optimize Design: Investigate ways to minimize air resistance by tweaking the boat's design parameters, such as foil shape, angle of attack, and surface materials.

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Project History

  • kvanuem

    kvanuem created this project