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jkiwamaDemocratic Republic Of Congo
Public Profile
jkiwama's profile
- Simulation
- Modélisation
- simuler
- My first - Copy
- My first
- testing - Copy
- My first
- Simulation
- cavitation - Copy
- Simulation
- SD36 Exhaust Duct Flow - Copy
- Exhaust - Copy
- lobulos - Copy
- Vertical Diesel Filter Vessel - Copy
- Mon premier projet
- Centrifugal_Pump_Analysis - Copy
- Water Block - Copy
- thermalshock - Copy
- Refroidissement Impression 3D - Copy
- Slow revolution shaft with roller bearing support and torque load - Copy
- new cyclone - Copy
- Airflow behavior in a duct - Copy
- Platf - Copy
- MECH3427 - Copy
- Componente de mecanismo de 4 barras - Copy - Copy
- Componente de mecanismo de 4 barras - Copy - Copy
- Componente de mecanismo de 4 barras - Copy - Copy
- Centrifugal_Pump_Analysis - Copy
- Gear tooth - Copy
- Imported geometry - Copy
- Ventilador centrifugo - Copy
- Cfd analysis of pump - Copy
- Heat simulation of IC engine - Copy
- Extemelly Complex possibly very powerful hydro propeller - Copy
- dumar - agua - agua - Copy
- Fan force cooling - Copy
- Pots d'échappement
- Makungu
- Electromagnetics Simulation on a Magnetic Lifting Machine
- Electromagnetics Simulation on a Magnetic Lifting Machine
- Tutorial - Linear static analysis of a crane
- Tutorial - Linear static analysis of a crane
- Tutorial - Linear static analysis of a crane
- Page 1