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3D Printed glider CFD analysis

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3D Printed glider CFD analysis image
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geometries 1 Geometrymeshes 2 Meshessimulations 1 Simulation setupruns 1 Result

About this project

The goal is to investigate the behavior of an one-hour-design 3D printed glider while it gets actually printed. 116 minutes remaining before the wing sections are printed. Fin and fuselage still needs to be manufactured. Hopefully some useful information will be acquired from this steady state incompressible CFD simulation before the hardware is all ready. What is the speed range this plane can operate. Will this plane actually fly or it will be just a demo piece. The glider is designed by some rules of thumb. Progress in the comments below!

airflowairfoilcfdflow analysisaircraft designglider

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  • jhorv_th

    jhorv_th created this project