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Public Profile
gmassaro's profile
S1223 500C 110C FLAP 6
S1210 500C 110C FLAP 6
S1223 550C 110C -FLAP 6
S1210 550C 110C - FLAP 6
BE122-155 S1223 E FLAP 6
BE122-155 S1223 E FLAP 0
BE 122-155 S1223 E FLAP UP
BE 122-155 S1223 550C 110C - Y+
BE 122-155 S1210 -- 550C 110C
2 elem-550C 220C BE122-155 S1223
BE 122-155 S1223 - 550C 110C
Rear wing S1223-550C 110C
Be122-155 S1223-500C 110C endplate_velho
Rear wing 3 elements - test 3
Tutorial 2: Pipe junction flow
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