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Flow around a Front Wing image
views 1260
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geometries 1 Geometry
meshes 7 Meshes
simulations 1 Simulation setup
runs 4 Results

About this project

This project involves meshing externally an F1 type Front Wing, and then simulating its' operation when facing a horizontal airflow of 20 m/s. Nowadays it is very common to witness F1 type cars using this type of leaf-like wings, called cascades, acting to generate vortices behind them that spiral upwards and outwards in channels controlled to the millimeter and shaped around the front wheels, towards the underfloor, through and around radiator inlets and between suspension components, and lately , it has been introduced by some Formula Student teams as well. For this case a Symmetry plane was added midst the Part, and half the part was used for meshing and simulation for simplification. A steady state incompressible flow simulation is executed to visualize the air flow around the bodywork and wings of the part, as well as the pressure distribution, the outwash effect of the cascade and endplate, as well as the vortices of the footplate.