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feryprasetyo7's profile
Tutorial III: Propane Tank Burst Analysis
Tutorial II: U-Type Heat Exchanger
Laminar Flow Through a Pipe
Tutorial - Linear static analysis of a crane
Compressible Flow Over Airfoil
Air Flow Around Front Wing
Flow Through a Cyclone Separator
Tutorial - Airflow around a spoiler
Heat transfer in a beam
Design Optimization of a Bracket
Cantilever Beam Bending Analysis
Cantilever Beam Bending Analysis
Optimization of a Globe Valve (Modified Design)
Optimization of a Globe Valve
Fluid Flow Through a Valve
Tutorial 2: Pipe junction flow
Tutorial - Conjugate Heat Transfer- Cooling of an electronic sink
Tutorial 2: Pipe junction flow
Tutorial 1: Connecting rod stress analysis
Tutorial 1: Connecting rod stress analysis
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