IA04Q02_v1_20200408_v1 - KEEP
About this project
Improved simulation with less than 1000s needed to converge. Coarse mesh Pitch up 10 Deg run. Still need to redo mesh finer as this is too coarse on the leading edges. Used CFD Hex. Prior K & omega fixes in initial values, ux also, plus use potential flow set to yes - converged quickly. Still running only half-model 40 kts, 0 Deg Roll, now 10 Deg Pitch up, 0 Deg Yaw - need to update to multiple angles pitch first, then full with yaw, roll etc. and speeds upto 400 kts. Need to recheck air properties also - want Denver, summer. Trim canard - nose down pitch now. Original geometry, IA04Q02_20191227_v1 but now with both PT cowls. No props or impulse discs yet.
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by Ali_ArafatAli_Arafat
Project History
dtoppenb created this project
dtoppenb copied this project