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Public Profile
crazzyj2's profile
Pipe Spool in Vacuum
G2 V 202 Manway Cover
SCR Duct
Internal Pressure Vessel Drum Door
Reservoir Cover Analysis
Mixing Tee Scenarios Convective Heat Transfer v2
Cracked Pipe
Candy Corn in a Jar
Shipping Cradle
Partition Door Plates
Tutorial 1: Connecting rod stress analysis
Tutorial 1: Connecting rod stress analysis
Practice 1
Mixing Tee Scenarios Convective Heat Transfer
Tutorial 2: Pipe junction flow
Mixing Tab
Mixing Sleeve Concept CFD
Original Spool Flow
Mixing Tee Scenarios
Original Spool
Sparger Pipe 1
3 Input 1 Output Tee
Spool with expansion and contraction
Mixing Spool with Contraction
Mixing Tee 1
Pipe in a Pipe
Tee to test temperature mixing CHT
G1 PC Pipe Spool
Injection Tee
Simple Pipe
Header Pipe
Pipe ISO 4
Pipe ISO 3
Pipe ISO 2
Test Mixing Block
Pipe Wye
Beam Sample
Tutorial 2: Pipe junction flow
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