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Beam Stress Analysis, substantiations with hand calculation

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Beam Stress Analysis, substantiations with hand calculation image
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geometries 1 Geometrymeshes 1 Meshsimulations 3 Simulation setupsruns 3 Results

About this project

Beam Stress Analysis using FEA static analysis to determine the bending stress, axial tension and compression in the flanges, substantiations with hand calculation to check the result for axial and shear stress . The geometry for the boundary condition is the same as for a cantilever beam, so one end is fixed and the other one is free to move in space. You will see in this project 2 static simulation because I wanted to see the differences applying the force on 2 different faces to see how SimScale model the load in the solver. Firstly, when I aplied the load in the top surface on the flange of the beam the solver saw a distributed load over the flange. The second static simulation had the same boundary conditions but now the load was applied on the Z- direction on the end face of the beam to simulate a concentrated force. After I ran the simulation I tried to make some hand calculation to determine is the result were correct and also to determine the error compared to the analytical continuous problem. At the nodes of the mesh the errors were very small for engineering (10e-4) thus the results were good and model correct the reality. Von Misses stres was plotted to see if the material will yield or not, if you do not know what that is SimScale offers a great explanation on the website. SimScale is a great tool to model parts and assemblies with FEA, CFD or Thermal Analysis. For the hand calculation basic strength of materials courses were used, so it is possible for every user to understand the math behind. If something was unclear please leave a comment to make it work!

feavon mises stressbending testbending stressbeamcantilever beam

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  • constantin97

    constantin97 created this project