Industrial exhaust pipe
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Of course

i was waiting and waiting …
auto timestep? now i am limited the maximum runtime…

with limiting the simulation time step it canceled every time…but the convergence plot is looking normal? why it does not work? ^^
thanks a lot!

Hey @cbabua,
Cool looking public project thumbnail btw!
Right now you have the maximum runtime limited to 3000 s in your settings, which means it will cancel the run automatically after ~50 min. If you look at the runtime of your last run, that is exactly what happened there. Are the different settings in the simulation control (Timestep length, auto-timestepping, simulation time vs run time etc.) all clear to you? Otherwise I am happy to help! You can also find a lot of information in the documentation, e.g. here Incompressible Fluid Flow Analysis | Analysis Types | SimScale. At the bottom of the page the simulation control settings are explained. I’m looking forward to your next setups.
Best Alex

Thank @afischer Great link !
I was confused because the simulation ends (runtime 3000s) and not converge
end time value= 500
time step length=1
it means, 500 iterations. quite a lot
auto timestepping… i don`t know how?! you wrote something about ~0.0005 s. but i do not really understand this number
run time = real time -> limiting with maximum runtime
simulation time = core hours
so far…
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cbabua created this project