Flow over an ocean wave

About this project
*Modelling flow over an ocean wave at different wind speeds *Describing flow characteristics at different Reynolds numbers *Estimating the possible influence of flow sepration on gas transfer Air-sea gas exchange(F) is dependent on the air-sea concentration difference(dC) and the gas transfer veloctiy(k), which is usually parameterized with wind speed (u). F equals k*dC Increasing gradient results in increasing air-sea flux. Increasing wind speed increases k and therefore also increases the air-sea flux. Recently eddy covariance measurements have revealed a limitation of air-sea gas exchange at a certain wind-speed. This means k is not increasing with increasing wind speed. I think that the air flow over ocean waves is responsible for this limitation. At a certain windspeed a flow separation is evident. I want to simulate the regimes where this is happening using Simscale and this Project.
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Project History
azavarsky created this project