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Office Space HVAC design study- Webinar

Office Space HVAC design study- Webinar image
views 1327
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Last modified

geometries 2 Geometries
meshes 4 Meshes
simulations 2 Simulation setups
runs 12 Results

About this project

This project aims at analyzing and understanding how thermal comfort can be achieved in an office space of 4 occupants. The scenario takes place in summer conditions ( 42C outside temperature and 65 relative humidity). The thermal comfort metric used in this project is predicted mean vote (PMV) and the target range is -0.5/0.5. The original scenario results, where the external walls have a low insulation value and the inlet temperature is 19.85 degrees Celsius, show exceeding PMV values (2.8 on average at the humans' surfaces) that are beyond the recommended ASHRAE-55-2017 values. To improve the PMV values and the energy consumed in order to cool the occupants, the insulation value for the walls and windows were changed to reflect the impact of adding an insulation layer. The results of the improved scenario show a significant saving in energy spending whereas the thermal comfort of the occupant isn't changed significantly. The next stage is to adjust and find an inlet temperature at a suitable level in order for the occupants to feel comfortable. The flowrate value wasn't modified because it would produce airspeed and therefore negatively impact the PMV values. Working with a difference between the average room air temperature and the inlet temperature of 9 degrees Celsius, and aiming for a 22degres Celsius average room temperature as a starting point, an inlet of 14 degrees was used. Simulation runs were performed at 14,13,12,11, and 10 deg Celsius until the measured PMV values for the occupants were all within the target range of (0.5/0.5). The satisfactory condition scenario was determined to be with a 10 degrees Celsius inlet temperature.