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SFR11 - Rear Wing - Straight Line - DRS
148 2
4 Geometries 6 Meshes 4 Simulation setups 4 Results
About this project
As part of my 3rd year MEC307 - Group Design project at the University of Sheffield Looking into the effects of DRS on SFR11. This is a baseline sim to compare the rear wing in its closed state and with all the flaps open when pivoted at 50 percent cord length. The sim is for the REAR WING ONLY. This is to reduce computing power as a basline to see how much drag is reduced by in order to complete preliminary lap time simulations. Original investigations on the lap sim showed that a DRS system that reduced drag by 50 percent could reduce autocross times by 0.2 seconds with an overall dynamic events bonus of 6.5 points.
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Project History
mpoulter created this project
TeamSFR copied this project