Mitre Racing MR-01 - F1 in Schools

About this project
Hi, my name is James and I was the Technical Director of the F1 in Schools team Mitre Racing, which competed at the 2022 UK Regional finals and 2023 UK National finals. For our two events as a team, I designed one car, the MR-01. It was my first attempt at the competition, so the car is designed to be simple, reliable, and easy to manufacture. However, the car also ended up being competitive too, setting the fastest time in England at the National Finals, and having the fastest average race time of any car in the UK. Currently, many teams guard their technical data closely, even after leaving the competition, so I have compiled a selection of simulations from our development which should aid your understanding of F1 in Schools. This resource should allow for the event to become more accessible to new schools in the future.
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Project History
MitreRacing created this project