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1 Geometry 1 Mesh 1 Simulation setup 1 Result
About this project
Stress on plate below vault of Millenium tower fix. The plate is as per the dimensions shown on the drawing. The hole sizes are 2.8125 inch (standard clearance holes for a 2-3/4 inch bolt/threaded rod). The circles around the holes are 0.1mm tall and are used to represent the area that sees the load from the nuts below the plate (based on an actual 2-3/4 inch nut). The center-to-center distance between the holes is 8 inches. This is my best guess as the drawing I saw does not show that dimension. Obviously, the circles can cause some issues with the FEA analysis. Not sure what the failure stress of steel is for shear as I usually never need to calculate it.
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Project History
Jimbo_Jones created this project