In some corporate organizations using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), their IT team will need to provide approval before the organization users can use Microsoft SSO. In such cases, when attempting to log in for the first time, you might encounter a message indicating that IT admin approval is required. If you see this message, please contact your IT department and provide them with our application name to request approval for SSO access.
When a user is logging into SimScale they will automatically be guided once they choose to log in either via Google or Microsoft.
The user needs to click on either ‘Sign in with Google’ or ‘Sign in with Microsoft’ and authenticate. There is no need to configure anything additionally.

If a user signs in with an SSO provider and an account with the same email already exists, the system automatically links them in the background, ensuring seamless access without creating duplicate accounts.
Disable Password Login
As an organization admin, one can enable/disable SSO login for its users under organization-settings> Acces Preferences> Single sign on.