I would like a feature that allows me to pre-select all the surface edges that I want to be followed precisely in the generated mesh.
Its just that only the tet algorithm seems to keep surface edges defined in a mesh. For all the hex algorithms and with features such as a sharp or thin trailing edge on a wing, you have to really ‘up’ the mesh fineness to avoid a jaggy mesh of the trailing edge (on an elliptical planform wing). If only I could just pre-select the edges of the trailing edge ‘surface edges’ that have to be precisely represented in the mesh and all other edges could ‘disappear’ with the algorithms face creation routines.
Surface Refinements appear to act on all edges of a selected face, I would like to be able to select individual edges of the face. And besides, surface refinements increase the number of faces locally near all the face edges whereas I think that by simply requiring a mesh to follow specific edges without increasing the number of faces along the edge could help improve simulation results without a large increase in faces near the selected edges.
I would think this feature would have to be useful for more areas of CFD meshing than just my simple example.