Step-by-Step Tutorial Session 1: Hip Joint Prosthesis

Hi @pankajkumar979,

The base model for the femur bone used in this exercise is provided by Negar An from GrabCAD.

@ahmedhussain18, might be able to provide more information on how the full model was created?



Hi Anna,

I am slightly confused about the materials used for configurations 2&3, the table above says 2 should be “Co-Cr-Mo on UHMWPE” but in the tutorial it is called “UHMWPE on Ti-6Al-4V”, similarly with config 3 “Silicone Nitride on Silicone Nitride” we are not told to change the material for the stem meaning it should surely be silicone nitride on Ti-6Al-4V? Should we be following the table or tutorial guidance? Or have I not understood the table correctly? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hi @emalkin,

Sorry for that typo: I’ve updated the table in the tutorial to match the steps shown:


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Did all 3 of the models, it seems that there is not much difference in the stresses in the actual bone. There is a clear difference in the head and stem stress distribution, but not so much the bone.

I tried adding a volume calculation to the simulation with all Principal stresses for separate components. There is some difference, though not great in the stresses in the bone. Is there a way to display plots form different simulations runs in one graph?

Looking forward to today’s session!


  • Fjodor

Hi @ftjulkins!

What you can do is to export your results to .csv for instance and compare the stress results. Maybe our participants @emalkin and @pankajkumar979 want to add something here to help you out and tell what their results are.

All the best!


Hi Anna,
Perhaps the exercise should have considered changing the stem material rather than the head, thus allowing to observe how the lower stiffness of UHMWPE would allow the transfer of some of the compressive load to the bone :slight_smile:

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Hi @ftjulkins,

For plotting the stresses from three different materials in a single graph can be done by downloading the results and then you can take either histogram(of single slice) or you can take a data on a particular line by using paraview.


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Sorry for my late response and thanks @AnnaFless for tagging me in!

Well that is kind of a self made assembly. I took the human femur bone from GrabCAD as @AnnaFless mentioned. Then I took hip joint from one of our colleague project here: Hip Replacement Stress Analysis with FEA

I tried to combine them together and made another solid between them which acted as trabecular bone and bone marrow. That certainly took some time but finally a model was made near to what we had in paper :sweat_smile:

BTW I had also performed a simple stress analysis with this human femur bone here: Stress Analysis of Femur / Thigh Bone

So I already had pretty much all data to start with :wink:



Thank you @ahmedhussain18 for your advice. Earlier @1318980 helped me out with the same. I already have a someones brain MRI. I’ll be working on the project “Transport of drug in the brain tissues”, if things goes well then someones brain is going to be on SimScale Cloud :slight_smile: .

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thanks for the detailed instruction! Just wondering for the body weight, once we get the error, can we keep on going? cuz at the end, I have got the same error message when I run the simulation. Can I just ignore and keep going?

Hi @mhan!

Can you tell us what error you mean? Sharing the project with us would also be great. Just paste the link inside the comments and we’ll have a look at it!



Hello, I’m really enjoying this workshop, however, I’m a little confused about the part related to the force set up in that first session, the “design” of the SimScale app seems to be different from the tutorial. May someone help me?

Hi @OviedoVR!

That’s because we switched to the new workbench (WB 2.0). If you have any specific questions about some steps let me know and I will help you out :slight_smile:



Hi @jousefm. When I set up the force “Hip contact force - walking”, upload de CSV file and apply some errors occur:

i) there is a message saying that “FORCE > X > @currentlySelectedOneOfType” "should be equal to one of the allowed values and the same occurs for Y and Z directions.
ii) fx, fy and fz are not defined.

May you help me? (There is a printscreen in this message);
Thank you!

Hi @OviedoVR!

Could you share your project please? Helps to track the issue faster.



@jousefm, Of course,

Workshop - session 1 exercise

Thank you…

Hi @OviedoVR!

Give me some time to check this out - will reach out to you as soon as I know more.



Hi @jousefm, no problems !

Thank you,

Hi @jousefm,

Did you check out the issue??
I am asking because I am really interested in continuing the workshop (Biomedical Engineering Workshop).
