Having heard about SimScale I really liked the look of the service and it looked like a good fit for my FEA requirements but the lack of a common feature like structural shell modelling kills it as a product for me.
I think this is really unfortunate as I thought SimScale had/has a lot of potential. Searching the forums I saw some talk a while back about add support for shells but nothing seems to have come of it? Obviously there is quite a focus on CFD over FEA within SimScale but the ommision of shells seems to be significant issue for further adoption of the service.
Similarly the lack of brick meshing for solids, though not as significant as the lack of shells, is something that would give me concerns about the functionality of the software. I know there are arguments that in many circumstances tets provide adequate results but that isn’t the view of many code bodies and clients organisations.
I’d be interested to hear any thoughts on these two points, and whether expanded functionality is scheduled?