I saw your case and I found 2 differences than the tutotial:
For Wall boundary condition of Aircraft, you need to use No-Slip condition for velocity and not “Zero Gradient”. While Zero Gradient condition is to be used with Temperature and not “a fixed value”. This is most likely cause of failure of your simulation as you are trying to simulate the aircraft with Neumann BCs.
Either in Bottom wall or Top wall, I guess you have used T= 293K. I am not sure. But anyways it just for your correction. I do not think it will pose any error though.
If you dont care for a certain angle, only that it is the same in each case, right click on solution fields, add result to view, and adjust your visible layers.
You might try with the “Transform” Filter.
If you rotate by 270° around the z-Axis, x points up and y points in the plane of the wing. Is that what you mean?
If you want a view from a certain point, you could use this filter to align the data (and set your viewpoint by clicking under viewport tools get the camera in a “Zero-Position”.
If you mean something like “Safe this filters and use them on this other result”, yes, this would be very useful. Tell me if you find out how to do that