Layer addition is important to capture the flow phenomenon near the boundaries. Hence layers should be added to all the surfaces except the inlet and outlet. This can be done by selecting all surfaces and then deselecting the inlet and outlet boundaries, as shown in the following 2 images.
A message that the mesh operation is complete is seen in the left tab when the mesh generation is complete. It takes approximately 15 mins for the mesh operation to complete.
Click ‘Topological Entity Sets’ to name the different boundary conditions - inlet, outlet and walls, by selecting each surface from viewer and clicking Create entity set from selection for the inlet and outlet. For walls - select all the surfaces and remove the inlet and outlet selection.
It might be interesting to add another instant of the region for better visualization. This can be done by right clicking Solution field and select Add result to viewer.
I am showing the highest velocity, not at the inlet or outlet as I would expect, but it appears under the table in a rotating pattern. I am not seeing anything that can cause this.
If I look at the temperatures, this high velocity area is also a high temperature area. I would expect the temperature to be lower where the velocity is higher.
I would expect the velocity to be similar to what @AnnaFless is showing, with the higher velocities along the back wall with secondary flows under the table.
Any thoughts? You can look at my project here if you want.
@cjquijano - hm, interesting. @Ali_Arafat - you did the post-processing with this project, can you advice?
As a side note, for all workshop attendees - the data center cfd analysis project that we’ve done together in the workshop is now available over here: SimScale
Great work. I had a look into your setup and the difference in the results is that we ran the simulation with Momentum predictor [in ‘Numerics’] turned off. It was a mistake in the tutorial that it had the setting with the factor turned on. The shown post-processing results can be obtained by changing this setting.
Momentum predictor can be usually used in order to get better converged results, which involves solving additional equations. We might get the similar results, to that of momentum predictor turned off, when we run the simulation for longer time and strict convergence criteria. Generally the momentum predictor may be turned on if the simulation has convergence issues.
The following result shows the temperature in the domain, with momentum corrector turned off.
Thank you for your offer to help.
I did the meshing with cores and it went trough with the same warnings. I don’t know if the results will be the same but I expect it will be similar.
Anyway it is strange that the supplied geometry has a problem with meshing.
Next problem.
The simulation stops after 32s simulation with error. Maximum number of iterations exceeded. But I had it set up with 1000s maximum simulation time. Project Link
A visual inspection of the mesh is always suggested to check if the geometry features are retained, and to check quality by avoiding bad cells. Try to create a ‘Moderate’ mesh and perform the simulation. In this regard could you please share the ‘Error’ which you got when following the tutorial procedure? I couldn’t find the error operation in the project.
I was now able to create a mesh with fineness level ‘Medium’ using the geometry from the project link. Kindly check this project for the mesh - you can have this as a starting point to setup the simulation. Meanwhile could you please generate a new public link for the project which you shared earlier (the one which you shared has only a successful coarse mesh operation), so that we will be able to find the cause of the error.
I did the medium mesh again and this time is was going through.
Yesterday it didn’t two times. I don’t know what was wrong because the log file had only warnings and ends with successfully work but still got the error. Project
Thanks for reporting! Please save the mesh operation in future if similar thing happens - might help us look into the problem. Good luck with the tutorial and enjoy simulating!!!