Hi all. New to SimScale. I am working on a company project and am trying to run a thermal analysis simulation with forced induction cooling. I have a perfectly symmetrical model with the rear fan opening and two openings at the front as you will see in the attached pictures so that the forced air will flow over the heatsinks.
My issue is that whenever i try to create an internal flow volume, every time i get the “Seed face defines infinite flow region” and i can’t seem to figure out what to do. It is very apparent where i want the air to flow but i can’t figure out which face to make the seed face and which, if any, to make boundary faces. Can someone please provide some insight? Thank you!
Welcome to SimScale and thanks for reaching out! I had a look at your project. It is likely there’s a hole somewhere in your assembly and that’s why SimScale is saying an infinite flow region would be created. I tried to extract the flow volume manually, but the Boolean-cut operation I was trying to do within Onshape was failing. Please check out this 4 minute video (with audio) I made for some more information on troubleshooting.
I suggest trying the manual FVE within your native CAD tool (SolidWorks, I think) and seeing if that gives you any hints as to where the hole/gap is. If you run into issues with that, please attach upload a SW Pack and Go with your native files and I’ll try to troubleshoot it on my end.