Internal flow design not generating properly

For some reason when I try to generate an internal flow design it the flow area does not fill the whole figure. Can anyone help me out? SimScale Login

Hi @laird_gerdes, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

The first thing that I’d like to point out is that there are some sheet bodies on your CAD that might cause issues with the flow region creation tool:

The first thing worth doing should be to make those into solid bodies, as the other parts of your model.

I have some other follow-ups to provide, I’ll post them in a few!


You also have to select as boundary faces only those which are in contact with external openings. When doing that, however, the operation fails due to there being surfaces within the model:

One thing I’ve also done was to split the model in half so that these surfaces are missing and instead of using the internal flow volume creation tool I’ve extruded some faces applied a boolean subtraction and deleted a misgenerated body:

Since your model seems to be symmetric, you should be able to run the simulation with just that. However, I’d advise you to clean it up and solving those issues I mentioned before doing that. More on that here.

Here is the link to the project where I ran these tests:

Does that help?