Inflation Layer

I the above project why is inflation not added on the fins which should have been?

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Hey @ashwin_s2019

A couple reasons why you are not seeing layers.

  1. based on your boundary layer inflation settings you are trying to extrude 10 layers with the last layer only 0.3 of the local mesh size.


Here you see that your region refinement made this local cell size about 0.7e-4. This means that all the final layer is 30% of the local cells size and the other 9 layers are smaller then this value at a rate of 1.3 (expansion ratio)… so very very small.


This is defined by the layer size setting.

This means that you need to make your MIN thickness MUCH smaller to accomidate this or change your layer settings.

  1. You have a bounding box layer addition on all 4 walls, which does show your 10 layer inflation settings

However, you might have dificulty getting layers to show up with the walls and geometry having 10 layers on either side. So i would reccomend starting out with 2 or 3 layers on both and seeing if they show up, then increase the amount to what you want. This would also be better to do with a reduced cell fineness to save core hours.

Good luck


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Thanks for your reply. I can understand to some extent but it’s still a bit confusing.
The notification from the layer size is not clear to me.
Can you please explain it numerically with the values I used for inflation layer settings both with layer size turned on and off?

HERE is a good description of this process. There is a lot of information within Simscale. Searching for previous threads in the forum can also be beneficial


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