Error in Simulation

Hello everyone!

I am getting the error seen in the image in my aerodynamics of a miniature car simulation. Can someone tell me what is causing them/how to fix them? Im really not quite sure…


Hi @intishd,

Thanks for posting your question. It seems that you have small gaps affecting the simulation running.

The best workflow in this case would be making your geometry watertight by cleaning up operations, removing all extra and necessary faces which will not affect the flow (like the faces in wheels above).
A secondary strategy would be re-meshing it with a bit larger small feature suppression (which can work or not, but you can give it a try).

The first option is the best one, and for sure will overcome the issue and to top it off will saves a lot of mesh refinement (computational source).

Please try to do that and let us know how it goes.


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My colleague tried to fix the issue by removing certain parts inside the wheels and I tried again. Now the problem is that the “machine has run out of memore”. How could I fix that? I tried increasing the coarseness and small feature suppresion.


Hello @intishd ,

I think the main problem is now the values defined under region refinements and local element sizes. The values defined at the moment causing such a large mesh that prevents chosen machine to generate it.

I’d recommend starting with a mesh that is as coarse as possible without refinements, and then adding refinements one by one too see if you’re reaching a mesh configuration that serves your purpose. This way, you’ll have the chance to perform a mesh independence study too.


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Thank you! I did what you said and the mesh generated well, though I am now getting this error :thinking:

Hi @intishd,

Glad to see you are in the right path! For this error message now, we built a very detailed page to help users figuring out this common issue, please take a close look and let us know how it goes:


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You will also find some help here: FSAE Tutorial - Preparing Simulations For Success - CAD Preparation

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Thanks for the help! I fixed the error by eliminating the space between the wheels and the road. I then decreased the small feature suppression which didnt work either, as the simulation ran out of memory. After decreasing it again to 0.0001, I am now getting this error (picture) and have no idea what to do. I cant work on the model, as thats made by another person. Any help would be appreciated

I now removed the faces from the boundary conditions, but now my velocity field is diverging again and Im really not sure why. Its just at a random point in the middle of the car