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  • Mesh Settings for PWC

    The mesh for a Pedestrian Wind Comfort analysis (PWC) is quite different than for the Finite-Volume-based fluid dynamics analysis types on SimScale, as it is based on the lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM). Here a cartesian background mesh is generated, which is composed only of cube elements that are not necessarily aligned with the geometry of the buildings or the terrain. 

    To take into account the exact geometry, there exists a sub-grid model that accounts for the interfaces between the geometry and the fluid domains.

    The big advantage of the lattice-Boltzmann method is that the grid size is not bound by the small details of the geometry and that it is a lot more robust with respect to inaccuracies in the CAD model such as small holes, overlaps, or intersections.

    The sizing for the background mesh for the PWC analysis is highly automated and targeted towards the specific use case, thus it works best for model sizes of 1 – 10 \(km^2\) and a region of interest radius of 200 \(m\) – 500 \(m\).


    If you are specifically looking for mesh guidelines for the City of London, they can be found here.

    Global Mesh Settings

    The main logic of the mesh algorithm is as follows:

    • The finest cells are located near the surfaces of the geometry. In the region of interest, there is a two-level finer minimum cell size used than outside of it.
    • Close to the surface there will be a layer of 4-6 cells of the smallest cell size.
    • Away from the surfaces, roughly every 4 cells, there is an increase in cell size by a factor of 2 where again 4 cells of constant size are added.
    • Additional refinements are added in the leeward side of the buildings (there we have roughly 16 cells of the same size) in order to accurately resolve the wake region. This refinement is adapted for each wind direction individually in accordance with the actual wind direction.
    • The value of the maximum and minimum cell size used depends on the fineness level and the radius of the region of interest. In general, the smaller the region of interest, the smaller the minimum cell size. Details can be deduced from the table below (Table 1):
    Fineness Number of Refinements Levels Number of Cells per Disc Diameter
    Very Coarse416
    Very Fine624
    Table 1: Number of refinement levels and number of cells per disc diameter per mesh fineness

    $$ Maximum\ Cell\ Size = \frac{ Disc\ Diameter}{Number\ of\ Cells\ Per\ Disc\ Diameter} $$

    $$ Minimum\ Cell\ Size = \frac{ Maximum\ Cell\ Size}{2^{Number\ of\ Refinement\ Levels}} $$

    The following example (Table 2) shows maximum and minimum cell sizes per disc radius, using automatic meshing process.

    ROI Radius
    Very Coarse
    max / min \([m]\)
    max / min \([m]\)
    max / min \([m]\)
    max / min \([m]\)
    Very Fine
    max / min \([m]\)
    10012.5 / 0.812.5 / 0.48.3 / 0.312.5 / 0.28.3 / 0.1
    20025.0 / 1.625.0 / 0.816.7 / 0.525.0 / 0.416.7 / 0.3
    30037.5 / 2.337.5 / 1.225.0 / 0.837.5 / 0.625.0 / 0.4
    40050 / 3.150.0 / 1.633.3 / 1.050.0 / 0.833.3 / 0.5
    Table 2: Variation in the maximum and minimum mesh cell size with respect to various disc radius sizes in PWC analysis

    Based on the desired fineness level one can approximate the mesh size as follows (Table 3):

    Fineness Very Coarse Coarse Moderate Fine Very Fine
    Relative minimum size11/21/31/41/6
    Minimum size per 100 \(m\) radius0.780.390.260.200.13
    Relative cell count approximation124816
    Table 3: Variation in the minimum mesh cell size and the cell count approximation for the automatic meshing process in PWC analysis
    • If explicitly a minimum cell size target is needed, this can also be defined using the Target size option. This makes sure that the minimum cell size in the region of interest is at most as large as the target cell size (it can be lower). The exact value is reported in the run info. This option is specifically useful if one wants to make sure to meet the cell size requirements that certain wind standards (such as London Wind Microclimate Guidelines or the Dutch NEN8100 Wind Standard) require.
    pwc mesh settings
    Figure 1: Mesh settings panel for PWC simulation. Either select one of the mesh refinement options or pick a target cell size.
    • The actual cell count depends on multiple factors, such as the diameter of the (ROI) region of interest \((D)\), the height of the buildings \((h)\), the size of the wind tunnel and the complexity of the CAD model. A rough estimation for cell count for different diameter to height ratios can be seen below (Table 4), assuming a Large wind tunnel is selected from the Region of interest > Advanced settings and a relatively simple CAD model:
    Ratio \(D/h\)Very CoarseCoarseModerateFineVery Fine
    \(D/h\) = 210e612e625e645e6100e6
    \(D/h\) = 44e65e612e618e645e6
    \(D/h\) = 101.5e63e67e610e620e6
    Table 4: Rough estimation of cell count per \(D/h\) ratio where \(D\) being the diameter of ROI and \(h\) the height of the building

    Reynolds Scaling

    The Reynolds scaling factor can be accessed under Mesh settings. The Reynolds number is defined as \(Re= \frac{UL}{\nu} \) where \(L\) is the reference length, \(U\) is the velocity, and \(\nu \) is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. When a scaling factor is applied, instead of sizing the geometry down, the viscosity is increased to ensure that the Reynolds number is reduced to the correct scaling.

    In most urban scale flows, an Automatic Reynolds scaling is recommended to ensure accurate results. Like wind tunnel models, we use Reynolds scaling assuming that bluff bodies (block-like buildings) and high Reynolds numbers are present. This enables the concept of similarity of large Reynolds numbers. When both these conditions are met, automatic scaling is valid. Automatic Reynolds scaling helps you get accurate results, cheaper without extensive expertise.

    Advanced users operating outside the typical assumptions of urban scales are welcome to use manual scaling, however, they should consider the impacts on wall modeling and rely on their expertise. A scale of 1 represents full scale, and 1/250 or 1/400 would represent a typical wind tunnel scale. Automatic values in SimScale are typically in the order of 1/10.

    Progressive Refinement

    Progressive refinement is a feature that allows users to speed up their pedestrian wind comfort studies by utilizing coarser meshes in towards the beginning of the simulation and transitioning into finer meshes as the simulation goes beyond a certain percentage of progress. This feature enables to drastically reduce the run times (typically between 35% and 45%) without impacting the results significantly.

    To understand the benefit of progressive refinements, it is important to recognize that PWC studies consist of transient simulations that oftentimes involve large flow domains and meshes.

    The initial condition for velocity of a PWC simulation is zero velocity globally. As such, the main objective towards the beginning of a PWC run is to develop the flow field. By using a coarser mesh in this stage, you can develop the flow while spending less computational resources.

    The setup of a progressive refinement requires two parameters:

    progressive refinement pwc simulation in simscale
    Figure 2: The progressive refinement toggle is in the main mesh settings
    • Base refinement fraction: this field represents up to what percentage of progress the simulation will be run using a coarse mesh. The mesh in this stage will be 2 levels of refinement coarser than the final mesh will be. The default setting of 0.4 indicates that the first 40% of the simulation will be run on the coarsest configuration
    • Full refinement fraction: this field represents after what percentage of progress the simulation will start using the final mesh with the refinements prescribed by the user. The default setting of 0.3 indicates that the last 30% of the simulation will be run on the final mesh. Between the base and full refinement fractions, the mesh is progressively refined. This documentation page contains an example of a fully refined mesh and meshes that are 1 and 2 levels coarser.


    It is a recommendation that the user waits at least 5% of simulation progress after the final mesh starts being used for the impact of the full refinement to develop. In practice, this means that the Full refinement fraction should be at least 0.05 greater than the Fraction from end values in the transient and statistical averaging outputs:

    fraction from end definition progressive refinements

    Figure 3: Fraction from end definition within additional result export

    Local Mesh Refinements

    Sometimes it is required to put additional focus on specific regions like entrance areas, narrow street canyons between high rise buildings, complex terrain or vegetation, and local mesh refinements in these regions are desired.

    In such cases, either a Surface refinement or a Region refinement can be added.

    Surface Refinement

    A surface refinement is best suited for cases where a specific building or a set of its surfaces or solids should be refined. 

    The fineness can be defined analogously to the global mesh sizing from Very coarse to Very fine. Also, in the same way, as it is done for the global mesh sizing inside the region of interest, the surface refinement will result in a layer of 4-6 cells of the smallest cell size and gradually increasing with a larger distance from the surface.

    pwc mesh refinement surface settings
    Figure 4: Surface refinement mesh setting in PWC analysis in SimScale

    Region Refinement

    In case a region between two buildings or a specific open area that is of interest would need to be refined, a region refinement would be best suited. In order to locate the region where the mesh should be refined, a geometry primitive of type sphere or box can be created using the ‘+’ button and assigned by activating the slider in front of it.

    region refinement pwc simscale
    Figure 5: Region refinement mesh setting in PWC analysis in SimScale. You need a Geometry primitive to perform region refinement.

    The sizing for the region of interest is the same as for the global sizing and the surface refinement, but in contrast to them, the smallest cell size will be kept throughout the whole assigned domain.


    As a general recommendation, a local refinement that is more than one level finer than the global fineness is to be avoided as it will reduce the overall simulation efficiency. In such cases it is rather recommended to also reduce the global mesh size and limit the size difference to one level.

    Last updated: December 13th, 2024

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